Top Toy Brand List 10 — Tiger Electronics

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Tiger Electronics is known by other names. What are some of these names? They are no other than simply Tiger and Tiger Toys.


Tiger Electronics is an American independent toy company that was originally founded back in 1978. It is best known for manufacturing a group of leading toys that became very popular after being release to the public for sale. What electric toys & games was Tiger Electronics known for best? Please read on to learn more. You will be happy that you did.

As was previously stated here, and will be again, Tiger Electronics was an independent company when it first started out producing electronic toys. When it was an independent company, it was headquartered in Vernon Hills, Illinois.

Some of the most notable of all Tiger Electronics toys were no other than the following. They were handheld LCD games, Furby, Giga Pets, the 2-XL robot, and a number of audio games such as Brain Warp.

Tiger Electronics was founded by three men. These three men were no other than Randy Rissman, Arnold Rissman, and Gerald Rissman. When Tiger first started out as a toy business, they were only handling items of the low-tech kind, and some of these were phonographs for example.

However, as time went by, the company began to develop both handheld electronic games and educational type toys. What was prominent among the most famous of all their handheld electronic games and educational toys were the 2-XL robot who came out in 1992 and K28 in 1984. KG8 was Tiger’s Talking And Learning Computer. The K28 wasn’t just sold in the United States in K-mart and other chain stores. It was also an electronic device that was sold worldwide as well.

Tiger also had lots of very real success with a number of other handheld electronic games that were very simple to play and enjoy. Some of these other handheld electronic games that did prove to be immensely popular were no other than Electronic Bowling, Robocop, Terminator, and Spiderman.

Another electronic toy that was truly popular, came out in the 1990s, and was first seen in the movie called Home Alone 2: Lost In New York that was released to movie theaters in 1992. This early 1990s hit was a combination variable speed cassette and microphone player called the Talkboy.

Two other big Tiger Electronics hits to follow were no other than the Brain Warp and Brain Shift. Tiger Electronics Company was also able to license the Lazer Tag straight from its inventors and these inventors were no other than Shoot The Moon Products. Shoot The Moon Products was what did remain from the remnants of the Worlds of Wonder Company.

Tiger Electronics managed to make tons of money off of its many electronic games and educational toys. However, the overall bulk of its moneymaking capabilities, did prove to come from one source and this source was via its various licensed and handheld LCD games. There were three factors that contributed greatly to the commercial success of Tiger electronic games. These three factors were no other than Tiger’s effective licensing, the low cost of the games themselves, and the simple/addictive/fun play that the games did provide players with all the time.

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