Do you have a young scientist and you want to set up colorful and exciting experiments with them? Scientific Explorer’s mind blowing science kit is the way to go. This dynamic stem toy has almost everything required for [easyazon_link identifier=”B0002HABZU” locale=”US” tag=”kidstoysnews_context-20″]basic scientific concepts[/easyazon_link] having to do with acidic and basic solutions. It includes a series of mind blowing experiments and a description containing information on the featured reactions. This will go a long way to help them learn amazing facts regarding their the world around them.
Product Description
As the name suggests, experiments featured in this guide are mind blowing. Lots of fascinating facts and experiments to indulge our kids. This is not just [easyazon_link identifier=”B00CMNX7VM” locale=”US” tag=”kidstoysnews_context-20″]educational[/easyazon_link], but also a fun way of introducing your young scientists to the world of scientific exploration, with its hands-on, action-packed experiments. This is a perfect way to help your kids get in touch with the genius in them; since it comes with instructions and explanations that are easy to follow.
What’s in the Box
Materials contained in this toy includes: citric acid, vegetable oil, baking soda, red cabbage juice powder , color tablets, corn starch, test tubes and caps, cross-linked polyacrylamide crystals, paper, plastic cups, cotton swabs, pipette, medium plastic scoops, stir sticks, small and off course a science guide.
With Scientific Explorer’s Mind Blowing Science Kit your kid stands a chance of learning: How to handle a pipette and test tube and also the difference between bases and acids
Product Description
Product Dimensions: 3 x 12.1 x 10 inches
Item Weight: 1.4 pounds
Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds
This stem toy is only suitable for children of age 3 and above and should be under the supervision of an adult.
- Gets your kids excited about the fun of [easyazon_link identifier=”B000NQMAFO” locale=”US” tag=”kidstoysnews_context-20″]scientific exploration[/easyazon_link]
- Very educating to children teaching about basic and acidic solutions in a whole new dimension
- This stem toy inspires creativity in kids
- It is a [easyazon_link identifier=”B01HBZUXWG” locale=”US” tag=”kidstoysnews_context-20″]do-it-yourself kit[/easyazon_link]; does not require any expertise
- The activities required direct parent or adult involvement
- Unusual delays and wait time required to get reactions completed (sometimes)
Customer Reviews
According to reviews already registered on several online shopping sites, this product is an excellent starter kit. Most rating concerning this product is 5 stars. The activities and science projects in it are very fun and exciting. On the side, parents consider it as being somewhat expensive. For most users, even though it could get a little messy for kids sometimes, especially without adequate supervision from an adult, it is an over all fun and educating experience.
This is one that with or without a solid background in science, it still proves useful and insightful. Activities included in this guide are quite flexible. This means that they can be adjusted to accommodate various capabilities and ages of kids. This does not in any way affect the original experiments and associated educational excitements. The two obvious drawbacks of this kit was the need for an adult or parent involvement in the process. Also, before the reactions get to happen, it sometimes could take a wait time of few hours.
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