Are you ready to try out Pokemon Moon & Pokemon Sun? It’s a game that many people are looking forward to trying, and there are also a lot of videos out related to it. We’ll be covering what it is known to be like here so you can tell if it’s the right game for you.

Pokemon Moon Pokemon Sun
A big part of Pokemon games is that each version comes with exclusive monsters to catch. For Sun and Moon, it’s the same thing. You can look at the covers of the game to see what the main legendary is in the title you choose. You can also look for what is version exclusive online once the game is out or near release. They are still releasing what is in the game so you’ll want to look at this list prior to buying the game.

Pokemon Moon Pokemon Sun
You may want to ask your friends what version they are getting. If someone you know is getting Sun, then you can buy Moon and you both can trade so all of the Pokemon can be available to you. For those that don’t know anyone that play this game, you can still trade online through the game. A program called the Pokemon Bank exists so you don’t have to buy 2 copies because you can use it to store your exclusives from one game and transfer them to the one that you want to have them all on later.

Pokemon Moon Pokemon Sun
The older games are out on Virtual Console on the 3DS. They have Yellow, Blue, and Red and if you get them now you can send what you get to the new titles. These titles let you catch the original set of the creatures, so it can be a lot of fun to go back and see where the series started while thinking of teams you can build. A lot of people play this game based on teams they can build. If you want to do the same start looking at what will be in the new game and how you can transfer other options from old games to your new one to form your team.

Pokemon Moon Pokemon Sun
There will be a player’s guide that comes out soon, too. They usually put out one for the game and another one called a Pokedex that details what every pocket monster is like. You’ll want to get both, or you can look online for information about the games. Some people like to go into games blind and then use guides for a later play-through. Many people will be playing this soon and there will be review copies going on so you may want to steer clear of the Internet for a while once the game is out to avoid spoilers!
Pokemon Moon & Pokemon Sun are two games that you can get in November of 2016 and they will be great like past games. There are quite a few games already out in the Pokemon series for the 3DS and DS systems that you can get now if you want an idea of what the game is like before it’s released.
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