Having a child with special needs can definitely be challenging, so when you come across toys that both entertains them and benefits them all in one, it’s like hitting a gold mine. Before doing extensive research, I was completely unaware of just how many toys were out there that are created specifically with special needs children in mind. It really is an evolving world that we live in, that’s for sure.

Little Tikes Cozy Coupe
The Cozy Coupe toy by Little Tikes is a great investment for any child, especially one with special needs. This miniature car allows children to use their legs and feet to maneuver wherever they want to go. This can be great for children with disabilities that affect their mobility. While both strengthening legs and entertaining a child for hours, this is definitely a staple that everyone should have in their household.

Little Tikes Cozy Coupe
The Cozy Coupe is a perfect thing to have around the house for any age ranging from toddlers to 5 year old children, encouraging large motor skills and active play. This is something that parents of children with special needs typically struggle with, but with this classic toy around, it definitely won’t be a fight to get your little tyke out there! With the outer shell and seat, the Cozy Coupe allows your special needs child feel both independent and protected.

Little Tikes Cozy Coupe
Coming up on the 30th anniversary, Little Tikes have made some amazing improvements to this classic toy. With an all-new designed floorboard, you no longer have to worry that your child’s feet are going to get caught under the car, something many parents have often worried about. Another definite perk is an updated parent guidance handle, making parents feel more confident that their special needs child won’t have a hard time and ultimately will have the most fun.

Little Tikes Cozy Coupe
Not only is this famous toy fun for any child, but the communicative and cognitive benefits are out of this world. This toy allows your child to learn directions, learn to express what they want to do or where they want to go, and also has interactive features on the toy that encourages imagination, including an interactive gas cap, opening door, larger steering wheel and a cushioned horn. The car is very simple and easy to understand, so your child won’t feel out of place while playing with the Cozy Coupe.

Little Tikes Cozy Coupe
Overall, I would definitely give this toy a 9/10 for special needs children. The benefits of having the Cozy Coupe are endless, and I really don’t think there are even any cons to this toy. It allows your child to practice his or her motor skills, communication, all while having loads of fun! This new and improved classic that’s been around for ages has definitely changed for the better. Toys such as this one can help special needs children thrive, learn and develop in the early stages of life so they can better handle all of the unique scenarios life is going to throw at them. I absolutely love it, and I think you and your little one will, too!
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