This sweet looking interactive puppy is PERFECT for any child! It looks and feels like a real puppy dog, as well as being expressive by opening its eyes. In my opinion, the snuggle part is a bit unlike a stuffed animal, due to the mechanical skeleton on the inside, but the fur makes it worth it.
The dog comes with its own “birth certificate” so your child can name it anything he/she wants. The owner of “Snuggles” can feed [the dog] with a bottle and the dog will fall asleep right next to its owner just like a real dog would. While snuggling, you can actually feel Snuggles cuddle up in your arms and go to sleep. While Snuggles is awake, you can see her face move and also see her breathe, just like a real puppy. Its actually decently realistic.
I would definitely recommend the toy to anyone who asks me. It could teach responsibility by wanting and having to be fed. Snuggles is also great for teaching my daughter the responsibility of caring for something. Every night before we go to bed, my daughter likes to pick up a book and read to “Lucy”. She makes sure that Lucy is tucked in tight and pets her until they bought drift off into sleep.
Snuggles (or whatever your child decides to name it) is really interactive with its “owner” as well! My daughter loves this toy, specifically because Lucy, the name that she decided to name Snuggles, as very sweet sounds, just like a really puppy would make. She can touch her nose to Lucy’s nose and Lucy will let out a cute little hum! My daughter gets the biggest kick out of this feature.
One down sound to “Lucy” is, she is a little loud at times. When she barks or sometimes the mechanics will stick (not for long), the rattles are a little loud, but that can be looked over. All we have to do to get the rattling to stop, is to give it a light pat on the back.
We bought this for my daughter’s birthday a couple of months ago and I definitely do not regret it. My daughter sleeps with Lucy every night. She says that its just like sleeping with a real puppy! (Maybe we can keep putting off getting a REAL puppy now!)
I’ve read reviews saying that this toy breaks and is not worth the money spent. I HIGHLY DISAGREE! This is my money well spent. This is not only soft and sweet, it teaches so many things to young children, even if they don’t know it. Like I’ve said above, I highly recommend this toy to anyone searching for something their child can learn from and play with at the same time!