The stage has come to turn on the venture, as there are numerous possibilities to change the world of a kid with the simple toys. Toys are essential in the life of kids as they motivate their imagination and creativity. That is why the Lionel has been developing the top class [easyazon_link identifier=”B000FIN2E8″ locale=”US” tag=”kidstoysnews_context-20″]train sets[/easyazon_link] since very beginning according to the desires of children.
For that reason, the latest toy that has been launched is the Polar Express train set which is based on the famous [easyazon_link identifier=”B000AGTPUK” locale=”US” tag=”kidstoysnews_context-20″]“The Polar Express” movie[/easyazon_link]. So let us have a look that what this inventive toy can do.
Product Description:
This year, with The Polar Express train set to display the magic of [easyazon_link identifier=”B01N64Z5A3″ locale=”US” tag=”kidstoysnews_context-20″]Christmas[/easyazon_link]. Watch the kid’s shadows as they sit in the passenger compartments drinking steaming mugs of hot chocolate and gossiping impatiently about Santa. This train set is sure to make the home glow with Christmas essence this season. Polar Express set functions using six conventional [easyazon_link identifier=”B00009V2QV” locale=”US” tag=”kidstoysnews_context-20″]C batteries[/easyazon_link]. The set also comes with an easy-to-operate RC remote control. With this ready to play set comes a special track system which permits you to create a rectangle, a circle, or an oval track. This will be a perfect Christmas gift for kids.
Who is this toy for?
The Polar Express train set manufactured by Lionel is for all those kids that are ambitious for a venture. It will make both the baby girl and the boy excited. However, the baby boys will enjoy playing with this more.
It is perfect for the kids between the ages of 4 – 15 years.
The toy has the following amazing features:
- The Polar Express train set has a functioning [easyazon_link identifier=”B01MDNA6NP” locale=”US” tag=”kidstoysnews_context-20″]headlight[/easyazon_link] when the train is in action.
- It also has sound effects that include bell and whistle noises.
- An exclusive feature of the Polar Express train set is the announcements. When the announcement button on the remote control is pressed, the conductor howls, “All aboard, this is the Polar Express!”
- Handsomely detailed passenger coach.
- Fixed knuckle couplers.
- The track snaps together easily.
- The train set is safe for kids to play with it.
- The stickers on the windows were already beginning to peel off out of the box.
Product details:
- Dimensions: 24 x 6 x 18 inches
- Item Weight: 6 pounds
- Shipping Weight: 9.3 pounds
- Batteries: Controller requires 3x [easyazon_link identifier=”B00LH3DMUO” locale=”US” tag=”kidstoysnews_context-20″]AAA batteries[/easyazon_link], and the engine requires 6x C batteries.
Customer Reviews:
The train set has 4.0 stars out of the 5-star rating. The kids, as well as the parents, have loved the unique style of the train set. The polar express train set is not bad, and kids like it but the rubber bands around the locomotive wheels get tangled. A lot of people had already bought it for their children as a [easyazon_link identifier=”B01KSUYHUA” locale=”US” tag=”kidstoysnews_context-20″]Christmas gift[/easyazon_link].
As the train set doesn’t have any metal parts and is operated on battery, it is perfect for kids that are eight years old and up. This is a classic toy train set that is perfect for the day off. Though, model fanatics who pay close attention to features might be caught up by some of the concerns regarding the materials quality, etc.