The Laugh & Learn Smart Stages Chair is one of the latest creations by Fisher-Price that is sure to make every parent smile. Actively involved in the processes that provide learning opportunities during playtime, Fisher-Price is made for babies and children, and does a great job of incorporating [easyazon_link identifier=”B000PQJJ42″ locale=”US” tag=”kidstoysnews_context-20″]education[/easyazon_link] with fun. Bursting with Smart Stages Technology, this amazing chair can read when a child moves from sitting in the chair to standing, and it speaks phrases and music as the baby makes this transition. What a fun way to practice balance and strengthen leg muscles!
Additional to this [easyazon_link identifier=”B016P71X9S” locale=”US” tag=”kidstoysnews_context-20″]singing and speaking[/easyazon_link] fun for baby, the Laugh & Learn Smart Stages Chair also has a light remote and a flip book that provides additional learning opportunities around numbers that lets baby learn at his or her own pace. If a toy can be fun and can also assist in developmental stages for baby, Fisher-Price knows that all members of the family will be content to make the purchase. And besides, when exciting adventures await the simple transition from sitting to standing, or from flipping the pages of a book, your child is going to want to remain actively engaged in playtime.
The benefits of playing are incredibly important for children and infants. Fisher-Price understands this which is why they worked so hard to incorporate learning components into the Laugh & Learn Smart Stages Chair. The real benefit of this chair, however, is that Smart Stages Technology, which allows the [easyazon_link identifier=”0761184317″ locale=”US” tag=”kidstoysnews_context-20″]parent[/easyazon_link] to choose the stage at which to set the chair and its related components. Every baby develops at their own pace, and understanding this is the best way to encourage continued growth and learning without frustrating a child. By allowing parents to control the stage at which their child engages with the Laugh & Learn Smart Stages Chair, Fisher-Price knows that children will be better off in the long run.
With more than 50 songs, musical tunes and spoken phrases and three different stages at which parents can set the Laugh & Learn Smart Stages Chair, this interactive learning tool and plaything is a fantastic addition to any home. The age of your child can be entered into the chair to change the level, or the stage level can manually be changed for children who may be more developed in one arena than another.
Your child is incredible, unique and full of promise. Why not provide them with an interactive learning chair that will promote these special qualities, and help your little one to develop more. See for yourself why this chair has been flying off of shelves as gifts for little ones. Take part in helping your baby to learn their first words, learn their first numbers and learn about the world around them. Buy a Laugh & Learn Smart Stages Chair to add to your home’s collection of toys and playthings. You will not be disappointed!