Garfield is a lovable cat with a bad attitude. He does not like too many people but has a certain things that he desires such as lasagna. Garfield and friends started off as a comic strip but then became a famous cartoon as well as a movie. There are some memorable characters from Garfield that people have come to know and love. A number of toys have been developed from these characters as well. The toys include figurines as well as flush figures.
He is the main character. Garfield is a large orange cat. He is lazy and has characters of humans such as the ability to talk. His favorite things to do include eating and sleeping.
John Quincy Arbuckle
He is the owner of Garfield. He works as a cartoonist and spends most of his days trying to meet the needs and the wants of Garfield. He is a little bit of a nerd but many people including his cat has come to accept his ways and his manners.
Odie is a yellow dog that is owned by John. He lives with Garfield and Garfield does not care too much for him. In this show Odie does not seem to be too smart. He is portrayed as a slobbering mutt. Odie often falls for anything that Garfield throws at him. Even though Garfield thinks that Odie is a numb animals they can become friends.
Dr. Liz
Dr. Liz is Garfield’s vet. She has a crush on John and when he brings in his pets she gets the joy of seeing him. She has a sardonic personality but finally is able to admit that she has a bit of a crush on John. They have become a couple. Garfield does not care for Dr. Liz because she wants him to lose weight, stop eating so much lasagna, and get up and do something. She also tries to clear the home of junk food and Garfield does not take too well to this. Liz will try to do things to make the cat happy so she can continue to see John without a problem.
Arlene is a stray cat that is sweet by nature. For some reason she seems to like Garfield. She tries to guide him to do the right thing and every now and then she is able to get through to him. She does not like his teasing but has learned to deal with it at least for the time being.
Nermal is another young cat that is considered to be the cutest kitten in the world. His makes Garfield jealous. Nermal makes visits to the home and gets a lot of attention Garfield has tired a number of times to get rid of this cat over the years but it has never worked.
These are some of the loved characters that can be seen on Garfield and friends. Not only do these characters appear in television shows and movies, they were made into toys as well. Garfield is an icon character and he has been a loved pet to fans for a number of years.