Dora the Explorer is a popular show for children. Dora is a Hispanic child that always seems to be investigating the world around her. The show is in English but there are some words in Spanish that the toddler viewer will learn. This show has a number of memorable characters that will help teach children not only Spanish but social lessons as well.
Dora is the main character of the show. She is seven years old and goes on a number of adventures to solve mysteries and find out about the world. Dora likes to play sports and is good at a number of things including instruments. Dora will show a child how to interact with friends, learn basic social skills, and on her adventures they will also learn numbers, letters, colors, and other basic information.
Boots is a monkey and is Dora’s best friend. Boots always has on a pair of red boots. He goes along with Dora on her adventures and is able to find the clues to the mystery that Dora is investigating. Boots loves to play baseball and loves to hang out with Dora.
Backpack is a special helper that Dora calls on. She usually wears backpack on her back since it is a backpack. Backpack always has the items that Dora is looking for to help her know what to do next. Anything that Dora needs on her adventure Backpack is ready with it.
Swiper is a sneaky fox that is always trying to take things that do not belong to him. Dora usually comes in contact with Swiper on her adventures. No matter how sneaky he tries to be Swiper always get caught. To get Swiper to leave the items alone all Dora and her friends have to say is “Swiper no Swiping”.
Map is well a map. He knows where everything is located that Dora needs and what direction that she should take next in her travels. When Dora needs to know which way to go all she has to do is call on map.
Fiesta Trio
This trio of friends consists of small creatures. They appear when Dora has successfully completed her task and they play music to help her celebrate.
Diego is Dora’s cousin. He is eight years old and helps out at the animals rescue center. Diego is always willing to help Dora out on her adventures and she is willing to help him out when it comes to saving animals. Diego has become so popular that he was given his own show. Together Dora and Diego solve a number of mysteries, go on a number of adventures, and save animals in the process. Diego also helps the children at home learn Spanish.
These are some of the characters that fans of Dora the Explorer have come to know and to love. These characters will teach a child a number of things including how to count, how to spell, and even words in both English and in Spanish.