The Disney Princess range of dolls and other merchandise officially launched in 2000 and featured eight princesses that were the stars of Disney films. As more Disney films were released this number was added to and today there are eleven official Disney Princesses. Some of the most popular characters are described below.
Snow White
Snow White was the very first Disney princess. She was the daughter of a King who died before the events of the film, and she was rescued by a Prince who woke her from a sleep with a kiss. The film ends when she has woken up and you do not see the wedding but it is implied that this is what happens. The film is a traditional boy saves girl love story.
Ariel is the only princess that is not completely human as she was originally a mermaid before becoming human at the end of the film. This desire is something that she has had for a while, but meeting Eric makes it more urgent. She has the title of princess as the daughter of King Triton and she also marries Prince Eric. In the sequel to the Little Mermaid it is shown that she and Eric have a daughter.
The character of Pocahontas is the only princess to have been based on a real person, rather than a fairytale. She was a native Indian princess who was the daughter of a Chieftain. She is the only princess to have two romantic interests, John Smith in the first film and John Rolfe in the sequel who she eventually marries. Romance is not the main focus of the film in the same way as it is in other Disney movies.
Mulan is the only princess that does not have the title of princess through birth or marriage. She was given the title by the Emperor after China had been saved. General Shang who she marries is not royalty either, and so the couple do not have the titles of Prince and Princess. The character of Mulan is based on a legend and this makes her unique amongst the other princesses.
Merida is the only princess that stars in a Pixar film. She is also the only princess that does not sing through the movie. She does not have any romantic interests in the film which is based around the conflict she has with her mother about her right to marry for love rather than tradition. At the end of the film she is still single and the contest for her hand in marriage has been called off.
More princesses are likely to be added to the franchise as more Disney films are made. There are some princesses that are notable for their absence, particularly Anna and Elsa from the film Frozen. This film was such a success that it is widely believed that they were not made part of the princess franchise as they would over shadow the rest of the characters.