Sesame Street is a beloved children’s show. There are some unforgettable characters that make up this show that people have come to know and love. Sesame Street has developed a number of popular characters over the years that people remember from childhood all the way to adulthood.
Elmo is one of the most famous characters on Sesame Street. Elmo is a red monster that is enthusiastic and likes to giggle. He always has a positive outlook on life and many is always ready to make a new friend.
Cookie Monster
This monster is trying to get one thing and that one thing is cookies. Cookie Monster is still trying to master some common words and phrases just like most preschoolers are. Cookie Monster teaches children how to count by counting the number of cookies that he gets to eat.
Big Bird
This big yellow bird is one of the most well known characters of Sesame Street. Big Bird stand over six feet tall but has the mind of a six year old child. Big Bird is excited to learn new thing and experience the world. He teaches children that it is okay to try something new and to make a mistake in the process. He does not give up and works hard to try to find a solution to his problems. Big Bird is an inspiration to many children.
Oscar the Grouch has a dislike for anything that is nice, pleasant, or sweet. He loves to collect trash, discarded junk and his favorite days are rainy days. Oscar does not like children playing in front of his precious trash can and disturbing him while he makes his anchovy milkshakes.
Grover is another blue monster that likes to talk and he does talk a lot. He tries to get the children to laugh but this does not always work out too well. Grover is caring and compassionate but does not think about the consequences of his actions. Grover tends to get confused when adults say things to him. Grover does have an active imagination and become Super Grover to solve a problem in superhero fashion.
Bert and Ernie
This pair is not seen without each other. Bert is the reasonable partner and collects a number of things such as bottle caps and paper clips. He has a pigeon for a pet. Ernie is the more outgoing on that always seems to be getting into some kind of mischief. Ernie is able to talk Bert into going along with him even though Bert is not always a willing partner. Ernie is often seen with his rubber ducky and trying to joke around with people.
These are some of the most well known characters on Sesame Street that fans have come to know and love. This show teaches children numbers, basic math, letters, and social issues such as problem solving and getting along with each other. These characters are loved by children in the past and they continue to be a favorite of children today.