Oh my gosh! I just bought these adorable Winnie the Pooh plush themed toys for my Kindergarten class, and the children are officially obsessed with them. Each of the Pooh toy characters has its own personality which makes the Pooh toy characters some of the sweetest plush toys to play with whether in the classroom, or in the comforts of one’s own home.
I have even found a way to use them as an educational way for teaching the five year old kids. We have “Winnie the Pooh” day where I use all of these adorable characters to teach lessons using these toys as my props. I took one entire class period showing my students the differences between the animals. They had so much fun using the pooh toys and were so engaged! I would have them chant “Tigger is the Tiger” and “Piglet is the Pig.”
One of the Mom’s came to school the next day and asked me why her daughter kept chanting “Kanga is the Kangaroo.” By helping the children understand the differences of the characters, I have also been able to explain to the kids, about their different emotions. “Eoyore is the sad donkey” I would explain, and “Winnie-the-Pooh is a happy bear.”
This lesson could also be elaborated on as each of the characters are different colors. So, during my lesson I might ask “what color shirt is Winnie the Pooh wearing today?” The Pooh toy characters provided inspiration for lessons on teaching the difference between animals, emotions, and colors, but it didn’t stop there. The kangaroo, Kanga and her daughter, Roo, provided an excellent way to teach the importance of family as well as mother and baby relations. I only wish they would have plush Christopher Robin, Owl and Rabbit!
Introducing children to these wonderful Pooh toy characters has been one of the greatest ideas I’ve ever had. These were shows that I grew up with, so it means a lot to teach our future generation about these timeless classics and have them embrace Winnie-the-Pooh’s message of friendship and adventure. I mean, these modern shows of 2016 are nothing compared to the hand drawn classics that Winnie the Pooh originated from.
I knew I had an impact when one of my favorite students (yes I have favorites) decided to have an entire Winnie-the-Pooh themed party! She had decorated plates and cups, napkins, plus party hats! Each of the kids received “Pooh themed” favors including little plastic toys! It was so nice having such a positive and happy theme to the party, and even the adults got into it.
While the children in my class are around five years old, Pooh toy characters are a really great gift for nearly any toddler. My sister has twins, a boy and a girl, who recently turned three years old. I was walking down the toy aisle thinking “what should I get them?” when I realized, a plush Piglet and plush Pooh bear would be perfect. Taylor, the boy, and Tanya, the girl, adored the plush out of them! Oh, and I won cool auntie points once again!