What child has not pretended to drive a car like their parents? Children love to make believe that they are big enough to do everything the people they look up to can.
In the toy market today there are a wide range of toys that can make this pretending even more life like and fun for children. There are toy kitchens, toy tools and of course cars, trucks and motorcycles. All of these are a lot of fun but there is something about pretending to drive a car or other motorized vehicle that thrills children. So the BRC Toys Ferrari F12 Push Car is a great product for young children who love to pretend that they are driving already.
There have been many types of toy vehicles on the market but the BRC Toys Ferrari F12 Push Car is definitely one of the top products. It is designed for younger children which is good since many of these types of products are designed for those in an older age range.
This product is one that children will love, it is brightly colored, makes noise and can move around. All features that every child will be thrilled with. To move this toy children actually use their feet, this is what is known as a foot to floor push toy. Really this type of riding toy is better for younger children since they are still developing their motor skills and it is less likely that this toy will get out of control.
The material used to make the BRC Toys Ferrari F12 Push Car is a sturdy plastic that can carry about 40 pounds worth of weight. There are also decals on this product that give it a more realistic look, such as the insignia on the front, side and tires of the car. This product even has a horn sound so that children can blow it as the move across the floor or carport area, and there are other noises that this car can make so a child is sure to have fun.
The style of this toy is done in the authentic Ferrari design so children can enjoy driving around on something that looks like those that adults use. Toys such as the BRC Toys Ferrari F12 Push Car can stimulate a child抯 imagination during their play time and in a way can start teaching them a sense of responsibility. They can be taught to care for this toy car as well as possible and maybe one day when they do have a real car of their own they will think back on what they were taught as a child.
This product is designed for children between the ages of 1 and 3, weighing no more than 40 pounds. Since there are sounds that can be activated on this toy you will need 2 AA batteries. This car also comes in two colors, red and yellow. It is a good quality item that children will have hours of fun on so it is well worth the price.