When it comes to popular kids toys, Mattel has maintained a firm place in the market for decades. Today, the company presents a combination of classic toys, such as Barbie and Hot Wheels, along with newcomers such as Monster High and figures for the latest movies, like Suicide Squad.
Holiday shopping for multiple kids can be much easier if you start with the Mattel toys. You will find everything you need for kids over the age of three. Make your list and check it twice against these fantastic offerings by Mattel:

This popular doll and her friends have been entertaining girls for generations. The company has expanded the line to include dolls with various looks and styles so kids can have many different and special Barbies to play with.
The line includes friends, like Ken, sisters and pets. You might find that a horse, dog or cat is the perfect gift for the youngster on your list. On the other hand, a couple of sisters could give Barbie lots more fun. While you are checking out the line, don’t forget to look into the array of accessories available. From huge homes to tiny spatulas, you are sure to find some great things in the Barbie line!
DC Comics and Superhero Girls
Some kids would rather play with action figures, and the DC offerings from Mattel fit the bill fantastically. About the same size as Barbie, these Super Hero Girls include Wonder Woman and Bat girl. These are great with each other and in play with other dolls of similar size. After all, who can’t use more characters in their doll stories?
Other Dolls
Additionally, the company has other lines of dolls that include Monster High and Ever After High. Find out which dolls are the favorite of the kids on your list and find some additions to their collection that will be played with for years!
Kids and adults alike enjoy playing games and Mattel has several available, including very affordable ones such as the UNO line. Smaller children will appreciate Apples to Apples while older ones can have fun with a Magic 8 ball. Blokus is a game that people of all ages can appreciate for a fun and strategic play that does not take very long to play.
Mega Bloks
Who doesn’t love building with blocks? You will find plenty of choices in the Mega Bloks set for the youngsters on your list. For the American Girl fan, you can buy Saige’s Art Studio while Despicable Me fans have a great castle adventure available. Ninja Turtles are hot, as are the playsets available that provide multiple setting options for you to choose from.
In addition to the building sets, many of the figures are available for separate purchase. Whether you are looking at the Halo Spartan Helioskrill Figure or the American Girl Uptown Style Collection, you are sure to find some fantastic figures that will fit your budget and their desires.
Mattel has been a major contender in the field of toys for many decades because of the great choices they offer. These are some of the most popular toys offered by the company, though this is only the beginning. You can depend on the trusted Mattel name for all of the kids on your shopping list!