We know that children, especially very [easyazon_link identifier=”B01BKW9FC0″ locale=”US” tag=”kidstoysnews_context-20″]young children[/easyazon_link], need to experience various textures, sounds, and noises to help their [easyazon_link identifier=”0553378252″ locale=”US” tag=”kidstoysnews_context-20″]brains develop[/easyazon_link]. The Butterfly Busy Buddy Blanket by Easyears is useful for providing this stimulation. It has different textures, things to chew on and sounds to be made.
This blanket isn’t huge, making it perfect for on the go parents who need to keep a young one occupied. One mom said that this blanket fits in a [easyazon_link identifier=”B00DFFT9SQ” locale=”US” tag=”kidstoysnews_context-20″]diaper[/easyazon_link] bag without any problems.

Earlyears Butterfly Busy Buddy Blanket
The recommended age for this blanket is [easyazon_link identifier=”1581108931″ locale=”US” tag=”kidstoysnews_context-20″]newborns[/easyazon_link] and toddlers. It has a pocket where the chewy textured [easyazon_link identifier=”B003N9M6YI” locale=”US” tag=”kidstoysnews_context-20″]teether[/easyazon_link] can be stored. The wings crinkle and the feet are also teethers. The backing fabric is sturdy and soft making it fun to pet or play with and able to live through young children.
The colors are bright and good for getting a child’s attention. One mom stated that the colors got her son’s attention until he discovered the mirror. Once he saw the mirror he kept admiring himself in it.
It’s hard to think that playing with a blanket with different textures, sounds, colors and noises help children develop mentally, physically, and emotionally until we think that these things are laying the foundation for how a child will interact with the world as they get older.
Playing encourages fine motor skills, cognitive development, and decision making. All of these are things that children will use for their entire lives. The sooner they start learning these skills, the better off they’ll be. The earlier they learn these skills, the more confident they’ll be.

Earlyears Butterfly Busy Buddy Blanket
Sensory toys like the Butterfly Busy Buddy Blanket also helps stimulate creative impulses. How they play with the toy, even deciding how they’re going to chew on a foot at the age, it’s designed for help to encourage creativity.
Sensory toys also help children learn languages. It gives them a link between the sounds that are being made by an adult and the words. This link helps them figure out words. A simple question when a child is playing with a toy like the Butterfly Busy Buddy Blanket like “is that soft” will help a child figure out the words that an adult is speaking.
Sensory toys and experiences are important for children. It helps them develop, and it helps give them confidence as they grow up. They also can be used to create a bond between parents and a child by playing with and talking with their child. I highly recommend that parents invest in sensory toys and play with their kids with them.
The Butterfly Busy Buddy Blanket is a prime example of a [easyazon_link identifier=”B00FC655SE” locale=”US” tag=”kidstoysnews_context-20″]sensory toy[/easyazon_link]. Some children also use it as a safety blanket in new situations. This makes it a good buddy to take with when going out and about with children.
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